News and updates from Tyndale House

New book publication from the CCR project
Kim Phillip's new book, 'Two Early Byzantine Bible Manuscripts in Christian Palestinian Aramaic: Codex Climaci Rescriptus II & XI' emerges f…
Kayleigh Delacey
Professor Kenneth A. Kitchen (1932–2025)
Kenneth Anderson Kitchen was a phenomenon, one of a kind, and I felt very privileged to know him. He was someone with a vast knowledge of th…
Peter J Williams
Tyndale House at ETS and SBL 2024
This month, many of our academic staff and readers will be at the Annual Meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and the Socie…
Obituary: Professor Alan R Millard (1937–2024)
When I was a teenager I came to know the name of Alan Millard as someone who was a genuine expert on archaeology and the Bible. He inspired …
A Space to Flourish: Tyndale House to build new library complex
Tyndale House receives planning permission to build a new library complex. The new, four-storey library building will serve the Church and b…
Tyndale House at ETS and SBL 2023
This month, many of our academic staff and readers will be at the Annual Meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and the Socie…
New from Peter Williams: The Surprising Genius of Jesus
Peter Williams's new book, The Surprising Genius of Jesus: What the Gospels Reveal about the Greatest Teacher, is now available to buy. We h…
New Book Publication Edited by Caleb Howard
Caleb Howard, Research Fellow in Old Testament and Ancient Near East at Tyndale House, has edited a new book titled, Architecture, Iconograp…
Codex Climaci Rescriptus Project reaches completion
The Codex Climaci Rescriptus project was successfully concluded in Summer 2023.
George Heath-Whyte wins prize for best first article
George Heath-Whyte has been awarded the International Association for Assyriology prize for Best First Article
Tyndale House at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference 2023
Contributions from the Tyndale House research team at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference 2023.
Peter Williams presents CCR findings in Paris
In April, Peter Williams, was invited to participate in a lecture in the Collège de France about the rediscovery of the once-lost star catal…
Sign up to receive the latest research
You can now sign up to receive an email notification whenever new articles are published on the Tyndale Bulletin website. So you can read th…
New Editions of Biblical Texts from CCR
Peter Malik, a previous reader at Tyndale House, has spent time working on the underlying Greek biblical texts found in CCR. He has been pub…
Francie Cornes
First Sentences in Amorite Found
Caleb Howard explains the significance of two clay tablets from Mesopotamia recently published in the Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie …
J. Caleb Howard
A new publication from Tyndale House OT team
A new article has been published, written by Caleb Howard, who leads the Tyndale House Old Testament team, in the Journal of Semitic Studies…
More hidden texts revealed from Codex Climaci Rescriptus
A decade-long project at Tyndale House uncovering the hidden text of the Codex Climaci Rescriptus manuscript continues to bear fruit with th…
Why publish in Tyndale Bulletin
Tyndale Bulletin publishes scholarly articles which make an original contribution to biblical studies and related disciplines. Here are four…
New research published by the Tyndale House Old Testament team
Publications from Dr Caleb Howard and Dr George Heath-Whyte
Tyndale House at ETS and SBL 2022
Contributions from the Tyndale House Academic team at Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
Tyndale House researchers make astronomical discoveries
Work on Codex Climaci Rescriptus uncovers star catalogue by ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus
IVP Early-Career Philosopher of Religion 2022
Tyndale Philosophy is very pleased to announce the prize-winners of the 2022 IVP ‘Early-Career Philosopher of Religion’ prize
Heath-Whyte joins Old Testament project
Tyndale House is pleased to announce the appointment of George Heath-Whyte to our Old Testament research staff.
Tyndale Fellowship becomes an independent charity
Plans are underway to establish Tyndale Fellowship as an independent charity from November 2022.
Tyndale Fellowship Spotlight: New Testament Study Group
Hear from a past attendee about the value of the Tyndale Fellowship Conference.
Tyndale Fellowship Spotlight: Philosophy of Religion
Hear from co-chair Daniel Hill about the upcoming Philosophy of Religion Study Group meeting at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference 2022.
Tyndale Fellowship Spotlight: Christian Doctrine Study Group
Hear from co-chair Jason Sexton about the upcoming Christian Doctrine Study Group meeting at the Tyndale Fellowship Conference 2022.
Trusting the Bible Series 2
The Trusting the Bible podcast is back for a second series all about reading the Old Testament. Click to listen to the first episode now.
Tyndale House New Testament Seminar – Dr Mina Monier
Mark’s Endings: Manuscript Evidence and the State of Research
SETECEB Theology Conference 2022
Registration has opened for the SETECEB Theology Conference 2022.
Dr George Guthrie is first recipient of the W Curtis Vaughan Award
In November, Tyndale House reader Dr George Guthrie was chosen by the Southwestern Seminary and Texas Baptist College as the first recipient…
Tyndale House at ETS, ASOR and SBL 2021
Look out for Tyndale House staff speaking at the Annual Meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the American Society of Overs…
THGNT now available with an exhaustive dictionary
The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, is now available with a combined dictionary.
The Tyndale Bulletin is now open access
Tyndale House is pleased to announce the relaunch of the Tyndale Bulletin as a newly open access journal, available at
Recordings released for Dr Peter J Williams' The Genius of Jesus' Teaching 2021 Master Class
If you missed the The Genius of Jesus' Teaching Master Class, with Dr Peter J Williams, the recordings have now been released by the Forum o…
Peter J Williams
Save the date: Tyndale Fellowship Study Groups 2022
Wednesday 22nd – Friday 24th June 2022, High Leigh Conference Centre, United Kingdom.
IVP Early-Career Philosopher of Religion 2021
Winners announced for this year’s ‘Early-Career Philosopher of Religion’ competition
Tyndale House Library joins OpenAthens
This summer, the Tyndale House Library marked a significant step forward in digital access for readers through the launch of a new OpenAthen…
TFC Spotlight: Biblical Archaeology Study Group
The Biblical Archaeology Study Group, running on Wednesday 30 June, offers a sweeping tour through geographical and historical eras of bibli…
TFC Spotlight: Biblical Theology Study Group
The Biblical Theology Study Group will run from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 June, exploring the theme A Biblical Theology Perspective on the N…
TFC Spotlight: Christian Doctrine Study Group
The Christian Doctrine Study Group, examining the topic of the Nature of the Relationship of Church, State and Borders, will run from Wednes…
TFC Spotlight: Philosophy of Religion Study Group
The Philosophy of Religion Study Group is dedicated to exploring philosophical questions raised by the Christian Scriptures.
TFC Spotlight: New Testament Study Group
The New Testament Study Group will run from Wednesday 23 to Friday 25 June, considering the theme of The Later Pauline Epistles.
TFC Spotlight: Old Testament Study Group
The Old Testament Study Group will run from Monday 28 to Wednesday 30 June, entitled Hope for the World in the Old Testament: A Symposium in…
New from Kim Phillips: Is the Masora Circule, too, among the scribal habits?
The Tyndale Bulletin is pleased to make 'Is the Masora Circule, too, among the scribal habits?' by Kim Phillips open access and available to…
The Greek-English New Testament
A new edition featuring the Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge & the English Standard Version
Trusting the Bible: a new podcast from Tyndale House and the Bible Society
Trusting the Bible is a new podcast from Tyndale House and Bible Society featuring conversations with experts in biblical studies.
Scribal Habits in Sixth-Century Greek Purple Codices
A new book from Tyndale House Research Associate Dr Elijah Hixson
Tyndale House at SBL 2019
Look out for Tyndale House staff speaking at the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion Annual Meetings 2019.
More ways to read the Greek New Testament Produced at Tyndale House
The Tyndale House Greek New Testament is now available on Bible Gateway and the Olive Tree Bible app
Lecture July 2019: How the Bible is Written
On Friday 12 July, Prof. Gary Rendsburg will be giving a lecture at Tyndale House entitled, ‘How the Bible is Written: Genesis 29’.
New from Dirk Jongkind: An Introduction to the Greek New Testament
A new introduction to the Greek New Testament, produced at Tyndale House and published by Crossway
Success in project to revise Romanian New Testament
Tyndale House reader Dr Emanuel Contac celebrates the successful printing of a new translation of the Bible in Romanian
Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute Digitisation Completed
A 13-year project to digitise the Transactions of the Victoria Institute has been completed by friend of Tyndale House Rob Bradshaw.
Ptolemaic Genealogies: The Egyptian Royal Genealogy Project
Created by Chris Bennet, the project contains a wealth of Egyptian history related to the Ptolemies.
World's First Film in Babylonian
The language of Babylonia has been brought back to life after being silent for 2,000 years
Can We Trust the Gospels? A new book from Peter J Williams
The Gospels ― Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ― tell the story of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ while he was on earth. But how do Chri…
GNT Readers Edition
The highly anticipated Reader’s Edition of the Greek New Testament text combines the Tyndale House Greek New Testament with a running list o…
Dr Rachel Johnson receives Neuhouser Award
Retiring Tyndale House assistant librarian is honoured for her work
New Words in Jesus’s Native Tongue Identified
Tyndale House research associate Dr Kim Phillips has identified eight words in Ancient Aramaic that were previously unknown to modern schola…
Tyndale House launches Greek New Testament edition
A ten-year project aiming to produce the world's most accurate New Testament comes to fruition.