The Children of Rachel and Leah
The account of Leah and Rachel naming the sons of Jacob in Genesis 29–30 may initially seem to have some strange and even unnecessary details. James Bejon unpacks the narrative and the meaning of the names to help us understand its significance.

Curious characters in the Bible: Melchizedek
Christopher Ash kicks off our new series on 'Curious characters in the Bible' by exploring questions around the character of Melchizedek in …
Christopher Ash
Following the Footnotes: The Syriac Bible
For the final instalment of our Following the Footnotes series, Peter Williams explains why Bible translators today sometimes refer to the S…
Peter J Williams
Modern Genre Theory and the Bible
Andrew Judd unpacks the importance of understanding the conventions of genres as we read the Bible so that we don't get the wrong end of the…
Revd Dr Andrew Judd
The opening of Tyndale House January 1945
Step back in time to January 1945 by reading the Tyndale Bulletin's announcement of the opening of Tyndale House 80 years ago.
Who were the Magi?
In Matthew's account of Jesus's birth we read about wise men from the east who brought gifts to Jesus. However, there is very little else sa…
Tony Watkins
Scrolling Back in Time: The Great Isaiah Scroll
Kim Phillips focuses in on the Great Isaiah Scroll, the oldest copy we have of the complete Hebrew text of Isaiah and one of the most import…
Kim Phillips
The Children of Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29—30)
The account of Leah and Rachel naming the sons of Jacob in Genesis 29–30 may initially seem to have some strange and even unnecessary detail…
James Bejon
2 Corinthians: Leadership and Luxury
Following on from her previous article, Kirsten Mackerras continues exploring the leadership issues in Corinth when Paul wrote to the church…
Kirsten Mackerras
Christmas Book Recommendations
We have prepared a short advent reading list for you, specially chosen by Peter Williams. Dive into a book this Advent.
Writing the name of God in Greek
Dirk Jongkind traces the history of scribal innovations for writing God’s name and explores how these innovations still appear in churches t…
Dirk Jongkind
Following the Footnotes: The Old Latin and the Vulgate
Jonathan Wilken follows the footnotes to explain why ancient Latin translations of Scripture are useful to Bible translators today.
Jonathan Wilken
Artefact in focus: The Flood Tablet
The Flood tablet contains the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story with similarities to the story of Noah's ark in Genesis. George Heath-Whyte discuss…
George Heath-Whyte
John 1 according to the paragraphing of Greek manuscripts
Nelson Hsieh demonstrates in John 1 how the Tyndale House team will decide on paragraph divisions for the second edition of the Tyndale Hous…
Nelson Hsieh
Dying to meet you? Death in ancient Israel’s texts
Philip Johnston explores what God’s people believed about life after death during the time of the Old Testament
Philip Johnston
Who were the Hittites?
Robert Marineau untangles the knotty problems of identifying the Hittites mentioned in the Old Testament.
Robert Marineau
Merneptah Stele: One of the earliest mentions of Israel from outside of the Bible
Josh Meynell takes a look at an Egyptian inscription from 1200 BC, which contains one of the earliest mentions of Israel in extra-biblical d…
Josh Meynell
Early Camel Incidents in the Hebrew Bible
The claim that there were no domesticated camels before the first millennium BC makes the mention of camels in Genesis problematic. Martin H…
Martin Heide
Reading with Strangers: Hospitable Interpretation of Scripture
Brittany Melton unpacks what it means to interpret Scripture in a way that is hospitable to other interpreters, and explains how that can hi…
Brittany N. Melton
A pool strangely stirred: The healing at Bethesda in John 5
Steve Bryan walks through the healing at Bethesda in John 5 to explore what we can know about the pool from archaeological remains, and how …
Steven Bryan
The surprising joy of memorising Job
Ellie Wiener shares about her experience of memorising the book of Job in Hebrew, and how it has helped her in her PhD studies
Ellie Wiener