Tyndale Fellowship Spotlight: Biblical Theology Study Group
30th April 2021
The Tyndale Fellowship Conference 2021 will take place this summer, from Monday 21 June to Friday 2 July. This annual conference brings together six discipline-based study groups over two weeks for lectures and discussion on the latest scholarly developments. This year, due to constraints on international travel, the conference will take place online.
The Biblical Theology Study Group will run from Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 June, entitled A Biblical Theology Perspective on the Nations. This theme, originally chosen for last year’s postponed conference, examines in different ways how Scripture addresses God’s relationships with the nations.
"While the overarching biblical story demonstrates God’s concern for the inclusion of people from every tribe, nation and language among those who are his worshippers, much of the biblical story focuses on the nation of Israel, with other nations often being perceived as enemies. In the light of these contrasting images, there is much to discuss in seeking to understand how the nations are best understood in the different books of the Bible."
The Biblical Theology Study Group considers the whole of Scripture when exploring important themes, and enables scholars in both Old Testament and New Testament disciplines to interact in a way not normally available at other conferences.
This year’s Biblical Theology plenary lecture, given by Dr Stephen Dempster, is entitled Reading the Bible Forwards: The Role of Prediction in the Trajectory of Scripture, with Particular Emphasis on the Former and Latter Prophets. Dr Dempster will speak on the role of predictive prophecy across the Testaments. Participants will benefit from the opportunity to study this and other topics by drawing upon biblical themes in both Testaments.
If you are interested in meeting other Christian scholars and engaging with significant questions for our time, we would encourage you to sign up. To make it easier for delegates to join more than one Study Group, attendees can simply pay £10 more to attend as many additional study groups as they wish.
Register below for your place at the Study Groups or the Tyndale Lectures
If you have questions about the Biblical Theology programme, please contact Desi Alexander at t.d.alexander@union.ac.uk.