Tyndale Talks
A time for the Tyndale House community to talk about their research and share ideas with one another.

Wednesday lunchtimes | 1.00 - 1.45pm | Upper Hex
Tyndale Talks are an opportunity for readers and staff to engage with each other's research questions and to discuss new ideas. Each week a different presenter speaks for 20–25 minutes, followed by discussion. The talks provide a platform for presenters to share their ideas and receive feedback in a supportive and collaborative environment.
The talks are open to all readers and staff, which encourages speakers to think about how to make their ideas accessible to non-academics. If you are not a reader or staff member but would like to come along please email us at communications@tyndalehouse.com.
Please feel free to bring along your lunch to eat whilst listening.
Autumn Term schedule 2023
11 Oct – 'Watch How You Hear'
Comparing soteriology in James 1 and Luke's Parable of the Sower
Joe Allen
18 Oct – No Tyndale Talk
25 Oct – How do we know what the Bible says?
Why epistemology matters in reading Scripture
Tony Watkins
1 Nov – Colossians, Isaiah, and powers of darkness
Diego Dy Carlos
8 Nov – The Mesopotamian Law Collections and the Covenant Code
Caleb Howard
15 Nov – No Tyndale Talk
22 Nov – Christ and the Psalms: A hermeneutical pincer movement
Christopher Ash
29 Nov – Question Time with Peter Williams
5 Dec – What to do with differences in the Decalogue?
Scribal Solutions to Text Pluriformity
Chip Hardy
Please note the event venue does not have step free access. If you have any questions about accessibility please contact us info@tyndalehouse.com