Tools and links for biblical studies

The STEP in STEPBible stands for “Scripture Tools for Every Person”, and its purpose is to give people who may not have theological or Bible language training the ability to research deeply into the Bible for themselves. Using the powerful search facility, users can look up a Bible passage in any of 58 English translations, or 364 translations in other languages. If you’d like to see what a passage says in different translations, you can compare passages in columns, or line-by-line. Alternatively, you can see the entry for your passage in one of the 27 commentaries available through STEPBible.
Even if you’ve never read original Bible languages before, with STEPBible you can find out what a particular word is in the original Hebrew or Greek, a definition of it, and where else in the Bible it has been used.
Tyndale Keyboard and Unicode Font Kits
These kits include intuitive and customisable keyboards for typing in and Greek Hebrew, allowing you to create text that can be used directly in publications and websites. The Greek font includes breathing, accents and ancient forms, while the Hebrew font includes vowel pointing and Masoretic punctuation. The packages also include the Cardo Unicode font by David Parry.
A lexicon for Biblical studies. Click on the first two letters of any word in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Syriac, Arabic etc to find that word in a lexicon.
Bible Mesh
Bible Mesh Biblical Languages offers courses using an inductive approach to teaching vocabulary, grammar and reading fluency directly from the biblical text. Please note that Tyndale House receives an affiliate commission if you purchase a Bible Mesh course through this link.
Rabbinic Traditions
Legal Texts before 500 CE in Mishnah, Tosephta, Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds.
Ptolemaic genealogies
Genealogies and information about genealogical sources for the period from Ptolemy I to Cleopatra VII.
Theology on the Web
Free digital resources for biblical and theological studies.