Nelson Hsieh
Research Associate in New Testament Text and Language at Tyndale House
Nelson Hsieh studies the text of the New Testament with particular interest in ancient manuscripts, scribal habits, and biblical paratexts (such as marginal notes, ancient chapter divisions, and expansive titles of the NT books).
Nelson works on Tyndale House's New Testament Project, which focuses on studying the punctuation, paragraphing, structural divisions, and paratext of ancient Greek manuscripts. This research will form the basis of changes to the 2nd edition of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament and will (likely) be published as a Commentary on Unit Delimitation and Paratext in NT Greek Manuscripts.
Ph.D., New Testament and Systematic Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Th.M., Systematic Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div., The Master's Seminary
B.A., Classics, University of California at Berkeley
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
"Matthew 5:5 and the Old Testament Land Promises: An Inheritance of the Earth, or the Land of Israel?" Master's Seminary Journal 28, no. 1 (2017): 41-75.
"Abraham as "Heir of the World": Does Romans 4:13 Expand the Old Testament Abrahamic Land Promises?" Master's Seminary Journal 26, no. 1 (2015): 95-110.
Conference Papers & Book Reviews (see Nelson's Academia.edu website)
Twitter: @nelson_hsieh7
Content from Nelson Hsieh
Where did the Bible's chapters come from?
Nelson Hsieh explores how the Bible came to have chapter divisions and how they influence our reading of the text
Nelson Hsieh
John 1 according to the paragraphing of Greek manuscripts
Nelson Hsieh demonstrates in John 1 how the Tyndale House team will decide on paragraph divisions for the second edition of the Tyndale Hous…
Nelson Hsieh